Course Description

This course is designed to fill a gap in your Compliance System.

So often I see large companies with little to no training, this not only leaves them with no grounds for disciplinary action but also completely uncovered in terms of their Chain of Responsibility obligations. You can not be taking reasonable steps to manage the risks associated with doing business in the transport Industry if you are not training your staff.

This is a generic induction, covering all areas of WHSE, Customer and Quality Service, HR, IR, Fitness for Duty, Mass, Maintenance, Loading and Dimension, Fatigue and Vehicle Use.

If you require a personalised induction to cover your specific policies and procedures contact me at [email protected]

Tavia Rankin

I (Tavia) have over 12 years experience in Transport Management and Compliance. I am dedicated and passionate about excellent systems and part of that is training. Everyday, I help Company's reach and maintain excellent levels of Compliance and one of the things that always needs work is Driver and employee Training, if your people don't know what is formally expected of them, you have no grounds for discipline and you are not taking reasonable steps in the Chain of Responsibility to manage the risk associated with doing business.

Course curriculum